Stock code300604
Server & Fixed-line Com生文munication

There is a continuous booming 媽煙in the market for smart ho化車me scenarios covering Internet TV, h月短ome security, intell生腦igent home, education, health, etc.制一 and emerging businesse玩請s such as AI, cloud comput黃對ing and big data have been expanding 去司rapidly in recent years, becomin現和g strong driving forces for the up們動grading of fixed-line communicatio廠制n networks. In addition, 數爸changes in demands for computin麗玩g power, storage and traffic also requ說亮ire better servers.

CCTECH provides targeted testing s拍商olutions for GPU, CPU an電好d other core chips to meet requirem愛鐘ents for high technol林吃ogy, high computing power, high 音短energy efficiency and high securi那小ty.